Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Going into Page Settings from Page Editing Toolbar on a restored site collection using Collaboration Portal template gives "Unexpected Error"

I backed up a site collection which used the Collaboration Portal and then restored it over a new site collection using stsadm -o restore and the -overwrite switch. I then found that going into page settings from the Page Editing Toolbar on the portal home page gave an "unexpected error". After searching the web I found that this is caused by the Page Layout URL not being correct or somehow becoming unnattached for the page. The page will load but Page Settings will give an error.

The fix I implemented was using one of Gary Lapointes enhanced STSADM Extensions command

stsadm -o fixpublishingpagespagelayouturl

"Page has been modified by another user" error when sites have been moved between site collections

If you move sites by using stsadm -o export or backup a site collection and restore it over another site collection you may find that editing the quick launch navigation within team sites will give you the following error: "The page has been modified by another author